(Lauranka Time Clock Series 3)
This feature allows for editing Statutory Holiday hours and rules for individual holiday dates
You should use this feature if:
1. The default number of hours an employee gets for either an un-worked Statutory Holiday or a Alternative Holiday is different from their default value (as setup under either the Groups or the Employees Setup Screen.)
2. It is not the employee's normal working day and you do not wish to provide them a Statutory Holiday if they have not worked, or likewise an Alternative Holiday if they do work.
3. You wish to turn the Statutory Holiday off for that person (i.e. as if the Statutory Holiday doesn't exist.
Please note this Screen does not allow you to create the actual Statutory Holiday, to create actual dates please use the 'Setup' menu
The first thing you should do prior to making an amendments is select the appropriate Statutory Holiday date you wish to work on.
There are then 3 options you can select against each individual for the date select. You can:
1. Alter the number of hours (from their default) they get for this particular day should they not work, or likewise as an Alternative holiday should they work.
(Please note the level of detail, including if these values are generated, and if so will they be in hours or days will be dependent upon the Pay Export File used and the related settings within the Employees Setup Screen ('Setup' - '5. Employees' - 'Main 2').
2. If it is not an employees normal working day and you do not wish to provide them a Statutory Holiday if they haven't worked, or likewise an Alternative Holiday if they do work then un-tick the 'Permanent (or OWD* if Version 3.195 or greater)' option.
(Please note even if this box is un-ticked the employee will still have any hours worked on this day calculated according to the Overtime rate as per the 'Group' rules they are allocated to).
3. If you wish to turn the Statutory Holiday off for a person, i.e. so it does not exist then un-tick the 'Active' button.
(This is used where for instance the Statutory Holiday might fall on a weekend, in which case it is often carried over to the next week day. In this case you can set both Statutory days which might apply and by individual turn off the Statutory holiday date that does not apply to them).
Important Note
If you alter any hour values or tick/untick either Permanent (or OWD* if Version 3.195 or greater) or Active you MUST recalculate the applicable week to ensure all applicable changes flow through correctly. As such any changes made in this screen MUST be done prior to closing the applicable week(s) . If you have already Closed a related week then you must re-open the week and perform the recalculate function.
OWD* = Otherwise Working Day
4 Weekly Average
(Version 3.093 to 3.194)
This function released on Version 3.093 allows for the easy calculation of the last 4 weeks average related to a specific Statutory Holiday. It is optional and discretionary to use, and is designed as a tool to provide extra options and flexibility in assisting with Statutory Holidays under certain circumstances. Please note you still have full autonomy to override the Stat values and adjust as required to ensure you adhere to the relevant requirements for determining Statutory Holiday entitlements.
E.g. For this example lets say the Statutory Holiday is on a Friday. First you select the desired Statutory Holiday Date, next select the '4 Weekly Average' function and the system will display and calculate what the average of the prior 4 weeks Fridays are.
These calculations are then shown on what is essentially a splash screen that you have full autonomy and discretion to override. Within this Screen you have the option of deciding how to apply the averages, i.e. they must have worked 3 of the last 4 Fridays, and/or likewise use their default Stat Holiday Hours, etc. You can also determine if the person is considered a permanent employee or not, or likewise if the Stat doesn't exist for the person.
Once you are happy with these values you can then 'Allocate Hours'. This function purely populates the primary Statutory Holiday Settings screen per the values of the '4 Weekly Average' Splash Screen. Again as per the Splash Screen the primary Statutory Holiday Settings screen still allows full autonomy and discretion to override any value or setting.
Weekly Average
(Version 3.195 on)
This revised function was released on Version 3.195 and allows for more dynamic calculations of weekly averages, including averages over either 4 and 5 weeks, plus also if applicable the Mondayisation or Tuesdayisation of these average calculations related to a specific Statutory Holiday.
Like previous It is optional and discretionary to use, and is designed as a tool to provide extra options and flexibility in assisting with Statutory Holidays under certain circumstances. Please note you still have full autonomy to override the Stat values and adjust as required to ensure you adhere to the relevant requirements for determining Statutory Holiday entitlements.
There are now in essence 4 different methods you have available of generating Stat Hours (Please remember in all circumstances below you have the discretion to manually overwrite both the Hour values and if active or if an OWD* if applicable).
Method 1 - On the main Statutory Holiday screen manually deciding the number of Hours and if the Stat day is active and an OWD* for that employee (i.e. essentially just manually confirming or altering the Main Screen values).
Method 2 - Using the employees default Hours from their Setup Screen. Simply done by selecting the button at the bottom of the main Statutory Holiday screen called "Use default employee's 'Daily Hours' from the employees 'Setup Screen'"
Method 3 - Working out the Stat based on a 4 or 5 weekly average. To select this option simply select the desired Statutory Holiday Date (for this example let's say a Friday), next select 'Single Holiday' and press the 'Weekly Average' function/button. The system will display and calculate what the average of the prior 5 weeks Fridays are.
These calculations are then shown on what is essentially a splash screen that you have full autonomy and discretion to override. Within this Screen you have the option of deciding if you wish to change to a 4 weekly average calculation and also how to apply the averages, i.e. they must have worked 3 of the last 4 Fridays, and/or likewise use their default Stat Holiday Hours, etc. You can also determine if it is an OWD* for the person or not, or likewise if the Stat doesn't exist for the person.
Once you are happy with these values you can then 'Allocate Stat Hol Hours'. This function purely populates the primary Statutory Holiday Settings screen per the values of the 'Weekly Average' Splash Screen. Again, as per the Splash Screen the primary Statutory Holiday Settings screen still allows full autonomy and discretion to override any value or setting.
If you need to view the individual days that make up the averages you can click on the 'View Data' button against the employee. Please note for this calculation ONLY hours actually worked are used for this average value.
Method 4 - This option is very similar to Method 3, but is what you might commonly use if you need to Mondayise or Tuesdayise a Stat Holiday. In essence to use what you do is select the desired Stat day (can only be a Saturday or Sunday), next select either 'Mondayised' or 'Tuesdayised' (as applicable) and press the 'Weekly Average' function/button. The system will display and calculate what the average of the prior 5 weeks are for the selected Stat day plus also the average for the Monday or Tuesday (as applicable).
Again, these calculations are then shown on what is essentially a splash screen for both displayed days that you have full autonomy and discretion to override. Within this Screen you have the option of deciding if you wish to change to a 4 weekly average calculation and also how to apply the averages, i.e. they must have worked 3 of the last 4 Fridays, and/or likewise use their default Stat Holiday Hours, etc. You can also determine if it is an OWD* for the person or not, or likewise if the Stat doesn't exist for the person. You will also note that at any time only one of the two days can be active.
Once you are happy with these values you can then 'Allocate Stat Hol Hours'. This function purely populates the primary Statutory Holiday Settings screen per the values of the 'Weekly Average' Splash Screen. Again, as per the Splash Screen the primary Statutory Holiday Settings screen still allows full autonomy and discretion to override any value or setting. Please note if the Monday or Tuesday (as applicable) has not been setup prior as a Stat day the system will now automatically add in the new Stat day and populate the values per the splash screen function.
Also please be aware if you run this function separately/twice for both the Monday and Tuesday (as against just one of the days) it is possible you will now have allocated Stat Holidays to 2 days (not one) for some or all of the employee's depending on what settings you chose. As such if this occurs you MUST now check/correct all employee's to ensure that they are correctly assigned to just a single Stat Holiday (of the 3 potentially available - The original plus the Monday or Tuesday) and remove as applicable (by unticking the 'Active' box) those Stat days that don't apply.
Again, like Method 3 above, if you need to view the individual days that make up the averages you can click on the 'View Data' button against the employee. Please note for this calculation ONLY hours actually worked are used for this average value.